Henderson Hastening the journey to enlightenment... Energetic Clearing & Cleansing Energetic healing and cleansing sessions that promote wholeness, balance and harmony on all levels |
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I can't thank you enough for that cleansing session! Just like you said, it truly feels like a huge weight off my shoulders...much freer, lighter. I am so delighted - that sense of 'fear' has all but disappeared. I was skeptical and wondered if feeling better was some kind of psychological response or power of suggestion. But the way I feel is proof enough for me! Thank you so much; I am so grateful! ~ Kristi H., I have been waiting until some time passed to let you know, because I was hoping it was all real! Things have DEFINITELY changed in my life since the cleanse. It is pretty amazing. Thanks for what you do! ~ S.W., Raleigh About Energetic Cleansing All healing sessions include energetic clearing/cleansing to remove unwelcome, detrimental and blocked energies. As the founder of the Order of Archangel Michael, I have been guided to work extensively to clear, cleanse and transmute darkness. Darkness in this instance simply refers to any energy that does not recognize itself as part of the Oneness, existing in the illusion of separateness from the Divine totality. (This usage has no relation to yin and yang, feminine and masculine, which are a natural part of all of us.) Archangel Michael's Sword of Light transmutes detrimental energy through ultimate, unconditional Love. The Sword cuts through energetic cords that bind us or leech our energy, dissolves energetic obstacles, and cleanses detrimental energies and thoughtforms. Michael's Shield provides a safe haven for cleansing to take place, and his cobalt blue-white flame blazes through blockages. The Violet Transmuting Flame of Zadkiel, Archangel of Forgiveness, Mercy and Transmutation, along with St. Germain, brings cleansing light to release karmic ties, bring forgiveness, cleanse karmic debt and clear karma related to specific issues (physical or emotional) or discordant relationships. Many of the seven major Archangels contribute to the experience. The Unity or Christ Consciousness provides a healing atmosphere of unconditional love throughout the cleansing/healing. Several layers of detritus are often removed in a single healing session (depending on how ready the client is to release these energies). Energetic cleansing is vital to the healing process and greatly enhances what may be achieved in a session. The cleansing generally takes place in all the energy bodies—physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual. Archangel Michael guides the clearing process; so my focus is on those areas that most need cleansing and healing. In most cases, clients who seek healing for a specific dis-ease or injury will release detrimental energy from the affected areas and be able to open more fully to the benefits of energetic therapy. Possible results of energetic cleansing:A focused, in-depth cleansing session (primarily cleansing rather than healing work) costs $85 for one hour or $45 for a half hour. Click title to read Diana's Article, Energetic Cleansing: An Essential Process. Energetic Cleansing for Animals: "Thank you so much for what you did for my cat. She is so much better and I feel better too!" ~ SB Cost for energetic healing, which always includes cleansing but is primarily energy therapy, is $65 for a one-hour, full-body session. A half-hour, targeted session costs $40. Checks and cash payments are typical for services. If you wish to make an electronic payment, click on the Donate button below to connect to www.Paypal.com and enter the cost of the service you have chosen plus a $2 processing fee. For example, the cost for a one-hour energetic cleansing session is $85; so the total would be $87.00 to pay using paypal.com.